Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chocolate & Cream Dream

I just posted a new addition to The Nature Collection tonight. They are these lovely Chocolate & Cream Dream Earrings on the left. I have been a bit busy (and lazy) to post to my etsy store lately but I am going to make a bunch more earrings and bracelets tonight with all my lovely pearls and wooden beads. You will just have to come back soon to see what I've created!

In other news: I am busy cooking up a website for! I am happy to announce that I bought that domain last weekend. I can't wait to start getting it going. Though I will imagine it will take some time. I went to the library today and got a few books on dreamweaver. Hopefully once I get the layout simplified in Illustrator it won't be too hard to figure everything out and get a shopping cart in, ect. Ok, Ok, sorry for the geek out. I will inform you all of updates!


Jacqniel said...

Pretty exciting! I have bare minimal knowledge of Dreamweaver. I had a web page on my school district's web site.
You are moving right along! Congrats! Jacque

KreatedbyKarina said...

Your blog looks great!