Picture: Limited Edition Sketchbook.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ahhh Friday
Picture: Limited Edition Sketchbook.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
No Coast Craft O Rama Update

No Coast has come and gone. Almost with the blink of an eye. I spent many a late night working feverishly for this show printing, cutting out, scoring, and folding, and clipping, and on and on! The show began Friday afternoon and into the night and then all day Saturday. Friday brought out quite a bit of traffic which was great. Saturday, was not so great. There was a wicked snow storm that started right as the show did and did not let up all day! Barely anyone was left during the last few hours! I am seriously mad at all the weathermen who told all the watchers not to leave their house!!
I came out rather short of my goal. But honestly, who expects to bring home $900 after their first craft show! Maybe if it wasn't a blizzard I would have. Maybe not. Now on to the next show!
Pictures above are of my display. I had a bit of trouble with the shelves at first but my fiance found a wonderful solution. And since I was too lazy to go and have a sign professionally done I made a collage of a design I made! Not too shabby :)
ps- That is my mom creepin around the corner in the second photo! What a great helper!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Recycled Collection!

Let me know what you all think!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The aftermath...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Excelsior & Grand Art Show Update
1. Show up on time/early! (I was half an hour late for the show set up time and there was literally NO SPACE FOR ME TO SET UP! This is mostly the fault of those who came early took large amounts of space and left none for the people who came later, hopefully next year there will be equal space for everyone! I nicely asked a lady who had tons of space to move over a bit so I could set up my table. I think a few artists who came in after me ended up leaving because there was no place to go.)
2. Bring food and water. (I talked so much my mouth was dry! Bring lots of water!)
3. Bring a helper. (My fiance was wonderful enough to help me package all my stationery so I let him off the hook and he didn't have to sit with me. But luckily one of my friends decided to hang out and ended up being a great promoter for me!)
4. Price each piece. (Although I had 3 sheets of paper on the table specifying how much each thing was, people rarely looked at it and looked on the package for it instead. So now, I am going to get little stickers that allow me to write quantity and price on each thing. It may be tedious but it will save me the trouble of having to explain it each time someone comes to my booth!)
5. Bring chairs! (Since I was running late, I completely forgot to bring chairs!!! Wow would I have been tired if the spot I got didn't have a few club chairs against the wall!!!!)
6. Load up your car the night before! (Again, always running short on time, it would have helped if I figured out how to fit my gigantic easel in my car earlier...)
7. Use vertical displays. (I have two white box/shelves to use for my display to create some hierarchy between my products but I forgot it. I didn't mind my display in the pictures at all, I thought it looked fine, but I would have liked to get rid of some of the clutter with the extra boxes.
Hopefully a few of my mistakes will be your gain!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The 2008 Calendar is here!

YAY! Lots of hard work, many, may hours my calendar is here!
Now, since my last post I decided right away to not sit on my duff and sulk that sales had been slow. So I went and did some networking and what do you know... I AM ON DECOR8'S BLOG!!!!! I am in her amazing calendar feature! If you don't know much about Decor8, you should check it out. It is one of my favorite blogs to read every day and I have some links (to the right) of some other amazing bloggers I like to keep up on. Since she posted about my calendar my sales and traffic to my blog have been amazing. So lesson learned, it really takes some big promoting and networking to have some success. Word of mouth is fabulous!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Another front page!

Monday, October 29, 2007
Etsy Front Page

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
500 Hearts

On a side note, a took a nice long week off of creating and designing. I think I just got a bit burnt out. But today I designed in full force and have a few new things to keep the shop updated with! Be sure to check back with my latest and greatest!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
100 sales!

Thanks for being supportive!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Etsy Critique

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Sick of woodgrain yet?
Here are my latest cards for the holiday season! Just like my tags you can personalize the message on the front! They are currently in my Etsy shop!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Woodgrain Treasury!

If you are around and bored tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST time (noon for us midwesterners) I am being critiqued by the etsy labs online!!! Here is the link, you have to be signed in on etsy to enter. It should be pretty cool!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Just a little humor
I even have some cards I will be making in this Gingerbread Man style. So be sure to check back to my shop later this week!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
More Tags!
Here is another set of awesome tags. These ones are bigger and have a wood grain texture for the background and they come with a variety of messages! You can even personalize your message on these tags.
This year, make sure all your presents are prettied up by these tags!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A doe a deer, a female deer!
But for now, you can check out the tags in my Etsy shop.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Holiday cards have arrived!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
No Coast Craft-O-Rama!
I just received offical word that I made it into the juried craft/art show! woohoo! I am really thrilled! I was nervous about entering since I had found out about it a day before the deadline, but I am sooo glad I did! The show will be on the evening of Friday, Nov. 30th and all day December 1st. Apparently last year they had about 9,000 people come to the event! It looks like I am going to be working my butt off to get enough inventory for the big show!
Anyone have any advice/tips for me!?
Anyone have any advice/tips for me!?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Studio!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Look what I got!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I hope you all had as fabulous a labor day weekend as I did!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Another Front Page of Etsy!

Oh yeah, I hit 75 sales today too :) woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Front Page of Etsy!

Monday, August 13, 2007
Trunk Show

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Wild Animals Galore!
I made the big move to Minnesota this weekend! It was a pretty easy move and I am glad it is over! On Sunday, Matt and I cleaned and ran errands and tried to organize our stuff. While we were at our house and driving around the neighborhood we saw tons, and I mean tons of wild animals! I knew that being in a heavily wooded area we would see lots of animals but I was not expecting to see all that we did! So far we have seen 2 young fauns, 2 does, 3 bucks with antlers and all, an ALBINO squirrel (!), and two turkey families with baby turkies hanging out in the sandbox on the side of our house! Now, you must be thinking I am living in northern Minnesota, but no, just in one of the suburbs of the east side of the twin cities. Hopefully we will continue to see animals around... but I hope they don't become a hassle!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I am now on Trunkt!

Our mission is to champion independent designers and small retailers to mainstream shoppers and to keep mass-market merchandise and big-box retailers from overwhelming the globe."
Now that makes me seem a billion times better the artist than I really am. So maybe this will give me the little kick in the butt that I have needed!
Here is my shop!
If you have a moment, please log in and sign my guest book and give me a little rating boost!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
what to wear?
Monday, July 30, 2007
New Design!

Sunday, July 29, 2007
I'm moving to Minnesota!
It is official, I have put my two weeks notice in at my job and have already started packing... I am moving to Minnesota! I am very excited to start my new job as an associate designer with a publishing company and I am even MORE excited that the new place my fiance, Matt, and I are living has a few spare rooms for me to set up an art studio!!! I am super excited to finally have an entire space dedicated to my art and now I can be more organized for Etsy as well! I have many plans for the new space so I will be posting many pictures of it all in the next few weeks!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The Birds Return
Bird on Trees, Bird on Wire, Bird on Cage
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